No more "lake effect" snows in Buffalo?
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2022-02-18 17:38:03 UTC
Aww, our grandkids won't be able to see Niagara Falls frozen over...
Climate change could make America's coldest cities today the climate havens
of tomorrow

By: Alexa Liacko
Feb 18, 2022

BUFFALO, NY. — As the Earth continues to warm, some of the coldest places in
the country could become a more desirable place for people to live.

Scientists expect more and more people to move out of warmer places, leave
the coasts and flock to cities that are seeing less severe impacts from
climate change. Those places are being called "climate havens."

“There's no place that's safe from climate change,” said University at
Buffalo professor, Nick Rajkovich.

However, there are places across America that will be safer, and less
impacted by the extreme consequences of a changing climate.

“People will potentially be retreating from the coasts, and it puts places
like Buffalo and Cleveland and Detroit and Duluth in a, in a situation where
they may receive people in the future, you know, looking for someplace
that's been more stable,” said Rajkovich, a professor in the Department of

Rajkovich studies climate migration, where people are moving because of
changes in our climate. He said he has already observed people moving to
Buffalo as climate refugees because the city has experienced less warming
than other cities and has access to freshwater.

“Basically, four out of five of the Great Lakes are dumping their freshwater
into the Niagara River here,” said Rajkovich.

Buffalo is expected to one day have a much more temperate climate as well:
think less snow, warmer winters.

“Our climate here is expected to be something close to what they have in
Tennessee,” said Rajkovich.

Hurricane Maria pushed thousands of Puerto Ricans out, many moved to
Buffalo, because housing is affordable and there aren’t hurricanes to deal

Experts say elsewhere, drought in the Great Plains will push people to
Minneapolis, Chicago and Denver.

Wildfires and heatwaves could push people toward Sacramento and Seattle in
the west.

Rising sea levels in Florida, New York and California bring opportunity for
growth to places like Buffalo, Cleveland and Detroit.

“What we're starting to see with climate change is not a shock, specific
movement of people, but really just changing consumer preferences,” said
Jesse Keenan, an associate professor of Real Estate in the School of
Architecture at Tulane University. “People are just changing their idea
about how and where to live. Altogether, there's a lot of costs of climate
changing. Those costs and climate change are beginning to undermine the
affordability and accessibility of many places across the United States.
There's a history of people moving from disasters, but we're starting to see
something much bigger. And what that is, is a change of our consumer

That is why cities like Buffalo are preparing today.

“I really believe in the idea that Buffalo can be an example to the world,”
said Rahwa Ghirmatzion, the executive director of PUSH Buffalo.

Ghirmatzion runs a community advocacy nonprofit that seeks to create housing
and environmental equity for underserved communities. Buffalo has some of
the oldest housing in the entire country, and much of it sits in disrepair
today. PUSH Buffalo is working to update and improve the city’s housing for
existing residents before climate migrants come and put an even larger
burden on the quality housing supply.

“Buffalo went through a very, very deep economic decline economic free fall
for about 50 years. And we really just felt like our neighborhoods were
forgotten. And so, we rallied the troops,” said Ghirmatzion of how her group
has increased affordable housing and improved homes across Buffalo.

PUSH Buffalo wants to make sure natives aren’t left behind as the city grows
into a haven for other Americans.

“What's at stake is an opportunity to really revive our economy but do it in
a way that is in right relationship with the people that are here and in
right relationship with the natural world around us,” said Ghirmatzion.

Buffalo’s infrastructure was built for about half a million people, but
today, the city has about 280,000 residents. There is room to grow, but
there are challenges.

“It is a highly segregated community, and the inequalities are highly
racialized inequalities,” said Ghirmatzion.

“Cities like Buffalo make the mistake of thinking if they build the
infrastructure for the higher income groups, that that's the key to building
the great city,” said Dr. Henry Louis Taylor Jr., a professor at the
University at Buffalo and Director of the UB Center for Urban Studies. “You
have to transform the lives of ordinary people. You have to create quality
neighborhoods for low-income population and groups. The city that gets that
will be the one that attracts all of the groups.”

Ghirmatzion wants to make sure the neighborhood she grew up in are not
gentrified so lower-income families can afford to stay here and move here.

“We are buying up the land, keeping it under community control and keeping
it affordable permanently. And so, what we do is we built affordable rental
units. We also work a lot in green efficiency and new energy technology, but
we're not doing it fast enough.”

The community groups are working to lift the most vulnerable groups to make
sure when higher-income climate migrants come, who have no problem accessing
resources and housing, there are also options for the lower-income families,

The City of Buffalo said it is on board with improving conditions for
families of all income levels to not only improve the city for current
residents, but to prepare Buffalo to be a world example of a climate haven.

“It has to be this two-tiered approach, because otherwise, you really do
risk gentrification. But thinking ahead about that combination of new build
and improving existing infrastructure is how you combat that effectively,”
said Robert Mayer, who works for the City of Buffalo.

Mayer said the city is implementing changes today to things like the zoning
codes to start preparing the city for better housing.

“The desire to have immediacy in action is very strong. But when we're
talking about an existential threat, like global climate change, it's going
to take us years to build up to that,” said Mayer.

Still, the community and city leaders know, if they prepare now, they can
set an example of a greener, more inclusive future.

“Not just for America, but really around the world,” said Ghirmatzion.

Oleg Smirnov
2022-02-18 20:50:54 UTC
Post by Byker
Aww, our grandkids won't be able to see Niagara Falls frozen over...
Climate change could make America's coldest cities today the climate havens
of tomorrow
By: Alexa Liacko
Feb 18, 2022
BUFFALO, NY. - As the Earth continues to warm, some of the coldest places in
the country could become a more desirable place for people to live.
<https://tinyurl.com/y93ocmxw> sciencedaily.com

Byker's feces and urine could be harming nature reserves, according
to new study
Date: February 7, 2022 Source: British Ecological Society
Summary: New research finds that Byker's being walked in nature
reserves contribute a significant amount of nutrients to the environment
through their feces and urine, which researchers warn could negatively
impact local biodiversity.

Read more <https://tinyurl.com/y93ocmxw>
